Executive Sparring
Jeg arbejder med den øverste ledelse og ned igennem organisationen og fra den enkelte medarbejder og op i erkendelse af, at det er medarbejderne, der adskiller de forskellige virksomheders succes i samme branche fra hinanden. Min mission er, at arbejde skal opbygge medarbejdere og ikke nedbryde dem. Deri ligger gevinsten og meningsfuldheden, respekten og anerkendelsen, udefra og ind og indefra og ud. Det vil være en fin platform at arbejde ud fra, hvis FN’s verdensmål nr. 8 om at skabe anstændige jobs og økonomisk vækst, er en del af din virksomheds mission.
Jeg ønsker at hjælpe virksomheder deres ledere og medarbejdere, med de erfaringer jeg har gjort mig på IBM. Typisk vil jeg gerne være tilknyttet virksomheden over en kortere eller længere periode og blive brugt på forskellige planer efter behov. Det kan være kursus, oplæg eller coaching, leder sparring eller workshops på alle niveauer. Det ville også være spændende igen at opbygge en coachingfunktion, som i hverdagen kan arbejde uafhængig af HR og ledelsen, i en anden stor virksomhed. Kommunikation og meningsfuldhed er bærende elementer. Det at blive opfattet som en del af vejen mod målet er en stor tillidserklæring som jeg altid bestræber mig på at opnå.
Anne-Mette Elsborg, Managing Director, PJ Diesel Engineering A/S
Birgit Friis differentierer sig væsentligt i forhold til de tilbud der er tilgængelige på markedet i dag, da hun er i stand til at se helheder og arbejde med hele organisationen med fokus på virksomhedens øgede resultater og robuste medarbejdere.
Alan Starling, ITD Executive, IBM Denmark A/S
Birgit has made significant contribution to the success of ITD, ITS and MTS in her role as coach, counsel and mentor. Birgit’s cultural and professional coaching to me has been of great value in enabling more effective leadershop of the Danish team. Birgit has performed hundres of coaching sessions end received outstanding feedback consistently (Birgit used a survey system for feed back and her overall rating across these sessions is 9.5 out of 10!). She is sought out to provide presentations on coping with changne, handling stress and taking personal responsibility. In addition to her formal responsibilities, Birgit is always sensitive to situations where she may be able to leverage her knowledge and expertise to assist in leadershop or personelle challanges in all parts of IBM.
Rather than waiting to be asked, Birgit will consistently seek out new areas where she can contribute to the climate and results of IBM using her coaching skills. I believe that without Birgit’s contribution, our results would have suffered – she makes a real everyday difference in our execution.
It has been a great pleasure to have Birgit on the team and I am excited about how her contributions will improve the ability of the leaders in ITDelivery to execute on their objectives.
Jens Jacoben, Afdelingsdirektør MTS, IBM Denmark A/S
Birgit is an important player in our transformation. The employees are forced to change focus and behaviour and, through her working methods, Birgit is able to affect and provide insight to each one of them.
Personally, I have benefited greatly from Birgit’s help. I often feel that changes happen too slowly, and that my efforts bear no fruit. Birgit helps focusing on the important issues and, in small increments, to succeed. Self-insight is the key in this work.
Input from at few of my department managers support my statements:
One manager gave the following feedback:
Birgit’s work gives me:
- A higher level of self-insight, and personal development. Output are actions for me to work with through sessions
- Tools that allow me to develop and work with employees
- Related to birgit’s work with me. she is the safety valve, where you in our sessions can discuss issues and viewpoints without the issue is having to reach a right or wrong answer/solution.
- “The truth has an ugly face”, in a cool way. One gets retort and one learns new things about oneself.
The manager of an other department wrote the following:
On the personal level
I have successfully used Birgit a sevel times within the last three years. It has given me a larger self-insight and a narrow – however efficient – toolbox, which I use daily.
Specific areas
- Out of, and within, control – sail my own ship, do not sail other people’s ships
- Separation of personal and business values (Corporate Company)
- Focus on own individual efforts and entry of value
- A healthy life leads to less stress (exercise, diet)
LEADERSHIP (people mgmt)
- Proactively dealing with stress symptoms in employee
- Modification of mindset and a greater understanding of the IBM business (WHY & HOW)
- Elimination of the possible gap between HR and the immediate manager. (I.e. personal challenges, which the employee may meet both privately as well as work related challenges, and where they estimate that a familiar third party may help (on own or my initiative).
As can bee seen. Birgit is a valuable contributor to MTS journey into the future.